Scientific Council of the Institute of Cybernetics

Scientific Board

Chief Researcher, Doctor of Sciences in Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Director, Chief Researcher,, Candidate of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics

Chief Researcher, Doctor of Sciences in Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Chief Researcher, Candidate of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics

Chief Researcher, Candidate of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics

Chief Researcher, Doctor of Sciences in Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Chief Researcher, PhD

Chief Researcher, Candidate of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics

Chief Researcher, Candidate of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics

Chief Researcher, Candidate of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics

Chief Researcher, Candidate of Technical Sciences 

Chief Researcher, Candidate of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics

Chief Researcher, Candidate of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics

Chief Researcher, Candidate of Technical Sciences 

Chief Researcher, Candidate of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics

Chief Researcher, Candidate of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics

Senior Researcher, Candidate of Chemical Science

Chief Researcher, Candidate of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics

Chief Researcher, Candidate of Chemical Science

Chief Researcher, Doctor of Sciences in Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Chief Researcher, Doctor of Sciences in Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Chief Researcher, Doctor of Sciences in Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Chief Researcher (0.5 staff units) Candidate of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics

Chief Researcher, Doctor of Sciences in Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Chief Researcher, Doctor of Sciences in Biological Sciences

Chief Researcher, Ph.D

Chief Researcher, Ph.D