- Date of Birth: 14 July 1945
Citizenship: Georgia
Background: graduated from Tbilisi State University (Department of Physics ) with honor in 1967. Specialization- Biophysics.
Office address:
- Sandro Euli str., 5, 0186 Tbilisi, GEORGIA.
- Tel:Mob.: +995 99 505563
- e-mail: besari2@yahoo.com
Academic Activities :
Since 1967 works at the Institute of Cybernetics of Georgian Academy of Sciences;- 1967 – 1975 – junior scientific researcher of the Institute
- 1975-2001 – Senior scientific researcher of the Institute of Cybernetics (Department of Biocybernetics);
- 2001-2003 – Leading scientific researcher of the Institute of Cybernetics (Department of Biocybernetics);
- 2003 – up to know – The Head of the Department of Biocybernetics of the Institute of Cybernetics.
Scientific interests:
- Informative processing, storage, coding in the nervous system,
- Problems of control in biological systems,
- Neuroimitators
- Bio-electromagnetism in the nervous system.
Languages: English Russian (both fluent).
Participation in grant projects
- 1999-2005 — Grants of Georgian Academy of Sciences — Principal Investigator
- 2006-2008 — Grant of the International scientific Technology Center #G-1187 — Manager and scientific leader
- 2007-2009 — Grant of the International scientific Technology Center #G-1318 — Scientific-researcher
- 2010-up to now — Grant of Shota Rustaveli National Scientific Foundation # GNSF/ST09_80_6_274 — Manager and scientific leader
Qualifications: In 1973 maintained candidate dissertation; in 1993 – maintained doctoral dissertation. Doctoral thesis title: “Mechanism and Function of Pacemaker Potential”.
- Partsvania B., Sulaberidze T., Shoshiashvili L., Modebadze Z. Acute Exposure of Mollusc Single Neuron to 900 MHz Mobile Phone Radiation, Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine in press.
- Partsvania B., Sulaberidze T., Shoshiashvili L., Modebadze Z. Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Fields effects on the Snail Single Neurons, Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine 27. 4. 409-419. 2008
- Partsvania B., Shoshiashvili L., Modebadze Z., Surguladze T. ELF Utilized in cell phone Causes Destruction of the Single neuron Habituation to Stimulus., The Bioelectromagnetics Society 30th Annual Meeting, San Diego, California USA, 2008, 373-376
- Partsvania B., Shoshiashvili L., Modebadze Z., Surguladze T. Low Frequency Magnetic Field Effects on the Synaptic Habituation of the Single Neuron., Proc. Georgian Acad. Sci., Bil. Ser. A, 2008, V 34, #1-2, 63-70.
- Partsvania B., Shoshiashvili L., Modebadze Z., Surguladze T. Study of Cell Phone Irradiation Effects on the Mollusc Single Neuron Habituation. The Bioelectromagnetics Society 29th Annual Meeting, Kanazawa, Japan, 2007, 442-446
- Partsvania B., Modebadze Z., Surguladze T., Shoshiashvilil L. Effect of 8,34 Hz Frequency Magnetic field on the Single neuron, IEEE 12th International Seminar/Workshop DIPED 2007, Lvov, 43-47
- Partsvania B., Modebadze Z., Surguladze T., Shoshiashvilil L. Experimental and Numerical Study of Electromagnetic Field Influence on Mollusk Neurons, IEEE 11th International Seminar/Workshop DIPED, Tbilisi, 78-82
- Partsvania B., Modebadze Z., Shoshiashvilil L., Andriadze L., Saneblidze L. Electromagnetic Fields of GSM Signals Modifies Dynamics of Neuron Habituation to Antidromic Stimulation, Proc. Georgian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ser. A 2006, v 32, no 6,1247-1251
- B. Partsvania, Z. Modebadze, T. Surguladze, L. Andriadze, L. Saneblidze Is cell phone Irradiation Hazardous to the Single Neuron? Proc.Georgian Acad. Sci., Biological series A, 2005, v31, # 3, 427-436
- Partsvania. B., Andriadze L., Saneblidze L., Surguladze T., Modebadze Z. Influence of Magnetic liquid on the Single Neuron Acivity. Proceedings of the Institute of Cybernetics GAS, . 3, #1–2, 2004
- Partsvania B., Andriadze L., Saneblidze L., Surguladze T., Bakhtadze M. Does magnetic Liquid Affect on the Single neuron Acivity? Proc.Georgian Acad. Sci., Biological series A, 2004, v30, # 12.
- Partsvania B., Surguladze T,, Modebadze Z. Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Field on the Pacemaker Neuron Activity. Proc. Georgian Acad. Sci., Biological series A, 2003, v29, # 3-4, 417-426.
- B. Partsvania, T. Surguladze, Z. Modebadze. Investigation of High Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation Influence on the Single Neuron. Proceedings of the Institute of Cybernetics GAS, v2, #1, 117-129, 2002
- B. Partsvania, T. Surguladze, Ion Current Dynamics in Condition of Action of Millimeter Diapason EMF on the Membrane. Proc. Georgian Acad. Sci., Biological series, v25, #4-6, 495-500, 1999
- B. Partsvania, The Mechanism and Function of Pacemaker Potential. Proceedings of the Institute of Cybernetics GAS, v1, #1, 105-115, 2000.
- B. Partsvania, T. Surguladze, Influence of Glucagon on neuron pacemaker activity. Proc.Georgian Acad. Sci., Biological series A, v25, #4-6, 491-495, 1999.
- B. Partsvania, A. Giorgadze, Cellular automate model of neuronal membrane, (in Russian) Proc.Georgian Acad. Sci., Biological series A, v18, # 2, 199-206, 1992.
- B. Partsvania, N. Sergeenko, Influence of alcohol on neuron pacemaker activity, (in Russian), Proc.Georgian Acad. Sci., Biological series A, v17, #3, 181-189, 1991.
- B. Partsvania, Non even distribution of Ca ion channels on the membrane of pacemaker neuron, (in Russian), Proc.Georgian Acad. Sci., Biological series A, v17, #2, 79-85, 1991.
- B. Partsvania, N. Chachanidze, About the location of the pacemaker zone on the membrane of the identified snail neurons, (in Russian). In Biokcybernetics and Biophysics, ed., Mecniereba, Tbilisi, 44-52, 1988.
- B. Partsvania, Habituation as track of the information recording on the neuron, (in Russian). In Actual problems of biology and medicine, Proc.Georgian Acad. Sci., Biological series, 454-459, 1988.
- B. Partsvania, E. Melnikova, Capacity current of neuronal membrane due to habituation, (in Russian), in Actual problems of biology and medicine, Proc.Georgian Acad. Sci., Biological series A, 114-121, 1988.
- B. Partsvania, Pacemaker potential as frequency filter, (in Russian), Zurnal Visshei Nervnoi Deiatelnosti, v25, #6, 1177-1185, 1985.
- B. Partsvania, N. Tavkhelidze, Pacemaker potential in the dynamic system of CNS, Proc.Georgian Acad. Sci., Biological series A, v 10, #4, 221-229, 1984,
- B. Partsvania, Plasticity of pacemaker potential, (in Russian), Psykhologicheski Zurnal, V4, #1, 51-59,1983.
- B. Partsvania, N. Tavkhelidze, The role of pacemaker potential in organization of the neuron reactions, (in Russian), Zurnal Visshei Nervnoi Deiatelnosti, v31, #6, 1286-1292, 1981.
- B. Partsvania, N. Tavkhelidze, Information coding by pacemaker potential, (in Russian), Bulletin of GAS, v100, #2, 313-318, 1980.
- B. Partsvania, N. Tavkhelidze, Effects of coding in the identified snail neuron. VII-th USSR biocybernetics symposium, 442-447,1980.
- B. Partsvania, N. Tavkhelidze, Dynamics of habituation in the snail neurons, (in Russian), Proc.Georgian Acad. Sci., Biological series, v5, #1, 48-55, 1979.
- B. Partsvania, N. Sergeenko, Synchronous effects in snail neurons and holographic memory, (in Russian). VIII USSR Cybernetics Symposium, 442-447, 1976.
- B. Partsvania, N. Sergeenko, Multiple stable frequencies in the neuron impulse activity. (in Russian). VIII USSR Cybernetics Symposium, 475-481, 1976.
- B. Partsvania, Computer analyze of pacemaker impulses. II conference of Georgian Biologists, 23-28, 1976.
- B. Partsvania, E. Sokolov, Neuron pacemaker potential. (in Russian). Monograph, ed. ‘Mecniereba’ , Tbilisi, 1975.
- B. Partsvania, N. Tavkhelidze, About possibility of the pacemaker potential control. (in Russian). Bulletin of GAS, v 68, #3,318-326, 1973.
- B. Partsvania, Influence of temperature on the snail neuron’s spontaneous activity. (in Russian). Bulletin of GAS, v 67, #4, 445-454, 1972.
- B. Partsvania, N. Tavkhelidze, Modelling of membrane potential pacemaker oscillations. (in Russian). Bulletin of GAS, v 67, #3,569-576, 1972.
- B. Partsvania, N. Tavkhelidze, D.. Chernavski, Oscillatory model of the ion transport through the membrane. (in Russian). In Oscillatory processes in the biological and chemical systems. (in Russian). Pushchino-na Oke, 31-38,1971,2.
International collaboration:
- Henry C. Lai, PhD, professor, University of Washington, Department of Bioengineering hlai@u.washington.edu
- Dr. Carl F. Blackman PhD, United States Environmental Protection Agency, National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory. blackman.carl@epamail.epa.gov
- Dr. Jukka Juutilainen, Professor PhD, University of Cuopio, Department of Environmental Sciences juuka.juutilainen@uku.fi
- Frank S. Barnes Distinguished Professor,Electrical and Computer Engineering,University of Colorado at Boulder. Engineering center ECOT 250 Barnes@colorado.edu
- Professor Andrei Pakhomov ,Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, USA andreip@swbell.net
- Pablo Varona, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Gruppo de Neurocomputacion Biologica, Pablo.varona@uam.es
- Luciano Tarricone, University of Salento , Lecce, Italy Via Monteroni, Dept. Innovation Engineering luciano.tarricone@unile.it
ბესარიონ ფარცვანია
Besarion Partsvani
დაბადების თარიღი: 14 ივლისი 1945
მოქალაქეობა: საქართველო
ელ-ფოსტა: besari2@yahoo.com
სამეცნიერო ხარისხი: ბიოლოგიურ მეცნიერებათა დოქტორი.
სპეციალიზაციის სფერო: ბიოკიბერნეტიკა.
- 1967 წელს (წარჩინებით) დაამთავრა თბილისის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტის ფიზიკის ფაკულტეტი, სპეციალიზაციით – ბიოფიზიკა.
- 1973 წელს დაიცვა საკანდიდატო დისერტაცია.
- 1993 წელს – სადოქტორო დისერტაცია
სამსახურებრივი თანამდებობათა ნუსხა:
- 2003 წ. – დღემდე: კიბერნეტიკის ინსტიტუტის ბიოკიბერნეტიკის განყოფილების გამგე.
- 2001-2003 წწ.: საქართველოს მეცნიერებათა აკადემიის კიბერნეტიკის ინსტიტუტის წამყვანი მეცნიერ თანამშრომელი.
- 1975-2001 წწ.: საქართველოს მეცნიერებათა აკადემიის კიბერნეტიკის ინსტიტუტის უფროსი მეცნიერ თანამშრომელი
- 1967-1975წწ.: საქართველოს მეცნიერებათა აკადემიის კიბერნეტიკის ინსტიტუტის უმცროსი მეცნიერ თანამშრომელი
სამეცნიერო პუბლიკაციები:
- Partsvania B., Sulaberidze T., Shoshiashvili L., Modebadze Z. Acute Exposure of Mollusc Single Neuron to 900 MHz Mobile Phone Radiation, Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine in press.
- Partsvania B., Sulaberidze T., Shoshiashvili L., Modebadze Z. Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Fields effects on the Snail Single Neurons, Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine 27. 4. 409-419. 2008
- Partsvania B., Shoshiashvili L., Modebadze Z., Surguladze T. ELF Utilized in cell phone Causes Destruction of the Single neuron Habituation to Stimulus., The Bioelectromagnetics Society 30th Annual Meeting, San Diego, California USA, 2008, 373-376
- Partsvania B., Shoshiashvili L., Modebadze Z., Surguladze T. Low Frequency Magnetic Field Effects on the Synaptic Habituation of the Single Neuron., Proc. Georgian Acad. Sci., Bil. Ser. A, 2008, V 34, #1-2, 63-70.
- Partsvania B., Shoshiashvili L., Modebadze Z., Surguladze T. Study of Cell Phone Irradiation Effects on the Mollusc Single Neuron Habituation. The Bioelectromagnetics Society 29th Annual Meeting, Kanazawa, Japan, 2007, 442-446
- Partsvania B., Modebadze Z., Surguladze T., Shoshiashvilil L. Effect of 8,34 Hz Frequency Magnetic field on the Single neuron, IEEE 12th International Seminar/Workshop DIPED 2007, Lvov, 43-47
- Partsvania B., Modebadze Z., Surguladze T., Shoshiashvilil L. Experimental and Numerical Study of Electromagnetic Field Influence on Mollusk Neurons, IEEE 11th International Seminar/Workshop DIPED, Tbilisi, 78-82
- Partsvania B., Modebadze Z., Shoshiashvilil L., Andriadze L., Saneblidze L. Electromagnetic Fields of GSM Signals Modifies Dynamics of Neuron Habituation to Antidromic Stimulation, Proc. Georgian Acad. Sci. Biol. Ser. A 2006, v 32, no 6,1247-1251
- B. Partsvania, Z. Modebadze, T. Surguladze, L. Andriadze, L. Saneblidze Is cell phone Irradiation Hazardous to the Single Neuron? Proc.Georgian Acad. Sci., Biological series A, 2005, v31, # 3, 427-436
- Partsvania. B., Andriadze L., Saneblidze L., Surguladze T., Modebadze Z. Influence of Magnetic liquid on the Single Neuron Acivity. Proceedings of the Institute of Cybernetics GAS, . 3, #1–2, 2004
- Partsvania B., Andriadze L., Saneblidze L., Surguladze T., Bakhtadze M. Does magnetic Liquid Affect on the Single neuron Acivity? Proc.Georgian Acad. Sci., Biological series A, 2004, v30, # 12.
- Partsvania B., Surguladze T,, Modebadze Z. Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Field on the Pacemaker Neuron Activity. Proc. Georgian Acad. Sci., Biological series A, 2003, v29, # 3-4, 417-426.
- B. Partsvania, T. Surguladze, Z. Modebadze. Investigation of High Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation Influence on the Single Neuron. Proceedings of the Institute of Cybernetics GAS, v2, #1, 117-129, 2002
- B. Partsvania, T. Surguladze, Ion Current Dynamics in Condition of Action of Millimeter Diapason EMF on the Membrane. Proc. Georgian Acad. Sci., Biological series, v25, #4-6, 495-500, 1999
- B. Partsvania, The Mechanism and Function of Pacemaker Potential. Proceedings of the Institute of Cybernetics GAS, v1, #1, 105-115, 2000.
- B. Partsvania, T. Surguladze, Influence of Glucagon on neuron pacemaker activity. Proc.Georgian Acad. Sci., Biological series A, v25, #4-6, 491-495, 1999.
- B. Partsvania, A. Giorgadze, Cellular automate model of neuronal membrane, (in Russian) Proc.Georgian Acad. Sci., Biological series A, v18, # 2, 199-206, 1992.
- B. Partsvania, N. Sergeenko, Influence of alcohol on neuron pacemaker activity, (in Russian), Proc.Georgian Acad. Sci., Biological series A, v17, #3, 181-189, 1991.
- B. Partsvania, Non even distribution of Ca ion channels on the membrane of pacemaker neuron, (in Russian), Proc.Georgian Acad. Sci., Biological series A, v17, #2, 79-85, 1991.
- B. Partsvania, N. Chachanidze, About the location of the pacemaker zone on the membrane of the identified snail neurons, (in Russian). In Biokcybernetics and Biophysics, ed., Mecniereba, Tbilisi, 44-52, 1988.
- B. Partsvania, Habituation as track of the information recording on the neuron, (in Russian). In Actual problems of biology and medicine, Proc.Georgian Acad. Sci., Biological series, 454-459, 1988.
- B. Partsvania, E. Melnikova, Capacity current of neuronal membrane due to habituation, (in Russian), in Actual problems of biology and medicine, Proc.Georgian Acad. Sci., Biological series A, 114-121, 1988.
- B. Partsvania, Pacemaker potential as frequency filter, (in Russian), Zurnal Visshei Nervnoi Deiatelnosti, v25, #6, 1177-1185, 1985.
- B. Partsvania, N. Tavkhelidze, Pacemaker potential in the dynamic system of CNS, Proc.Georgian Acad. Sci., Biological series A, v 10, #4, 221-229, 1984,
- B. Partsvania, Plasticity of pacemaker potential, (in Russian), Psykhologicheski Zurnal, V4, #1, 51-59,1983.
- B. Partsvania, N. Tavkhelidze, The role of pacemaker potential in organization of the neuron reactions, (in Russian), Zurnal Visshei Nervnoi Deiatelnosti, v31, #6, 1286-1292, 1981.
- B. Partsvania, N. Tavkhelidze, Information coding by pacemaker potential, (in Russian), Bulletin of GAS, v100, #2, 313-318, 1980.
- B. Partsvania, N. Tavkhelidze, Effects of coding in the identified snail neuron. VII-th USSR biocybernetics symposium, 442-447,1980.
- B. Partsvania, N. Tavkhelidze, Dynamics of habituation in the snail neurons, (in Russian), Proc.Georgian Acad. Sci., Biological series, v5, #1, 48-55, 1979.
- B. Partsvania, N. Sergeenko, Synchronous effects in snail neurons and holographic memory, (in Russian). VIII USSR Cybernetics Symposium, 442-447, 1976.
- B. Partsvania, N. Sergeenko, Multiple stable frequencies in the neuron impulse activity. (in Russian). VIII USSR Cybernetics Symposium, 475-481, 1976.
- B. Partsvania, Computer analyze of pacemaker impulses. II conference of Georgian Biologists, 23-28, 1976.
- B. Partsvania, E. Sokolov, Neuron pacemaker potential. (in Russian). Monograph, ed. ‘Mecniereba’ , Tbilisi, 1975.
- B. Partsvania, N. Tavkhelidze, About possibility of the pacemaker potential control. (in Russian). Bulletin of GAS, v 68, #3,318-326, 1973.
- B. Partsvania, Influence of temperature on the snail neuron’s spontaneous activity. (in Russian). Bulletin of GAS, v 67, #4, 445-454, 1972.
- B. Partsvania, N. Tavkhelidze, Modelling of membrane potential pacemaker oscillations. (in Russian). Bulletin of GAS, v 67, #3,569-576, 1972.
- B. Partsvania, N. Tavkhelidze, D.. Chernavski, Oscillatory model of the ion transport through the membrane. (in Russian). In Oscillatory processes in the biological and chemical systems. (in Russian). Pushchino-na Oke, 31-38,1971,2.
სამეცნიერო ინტერესები:
- ინფორმაციის გადამუშავება, კოდირება და შენახვა ნერვულ სისტემაში.
- მართვის საკითხები ბიოლოგიურ ობიექტებში.
- ნეიროიმიტატორების შექმნა.
- ბიოელექტრომაგნეტიზმი ნერვულ სისტემაში.
უცხო ენების ფლობა: ინგლისური, რუსული (ორივე თავისუფლად).
- 2002-2003 – საქართველოს მეცნიერებათა აკადემიის გრანტი – ხელმძღვანელი.
- 2004-2005 – საქართველოს მეცნიერებათა აკადემიის გრანტი – ხელმძღვანელი.
- 2006-2008 – საერთაშორისო სამეცნიერო-ტექნიკური ცენტრის გრანტის # G-1187 – ხელმძღვანელი და მენეჯერი.
- 2007-2009 – საერთაშორისო სამეცნიერო-ტექნიკური ცენტრის გრანტის # G-1318 – მეცნიერი–მკლევარი.
- 2010-დღემდე – SoTa rusTavelis erovnuli samecniero fondis granti # GNSF/ST09_80_6_274 – მეცნიერი–მკლევარი
საერთაშორისო კავშირები (კოლაბორატორები):
- Henry C. Lai, PhD, professor, University of Washington, Department of Bioengineering hlai@u.washington.edu
- Dr. Carl F. Blackman PhD, United States Environmental Protection Agency, National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory. blackman.carl@epamail.epa.gov
- Dr. Jukka Juutilainen, Professor PhD, University of Cuopio, Department of Environmental Sciences juuka.juutilainen@uku.fi
- Frank S. Barnes Distinguished Professor,Electrical and Computer Engineering,University of Colorado at Boulder. Engineering center ECOT 250 Barnes@colorado.edu
- Professor Andrei Pakhomov ,Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, USA andreip@swbell.net
- Pablo Varona, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Gruppo de Neurocomputacion Biologica, Pablo.varona@uam.es
- Luciano Tarricone, University of Salento , Lecce, Italy Via Monteroni, Dept. Innovation Engineering luciano.tarricone@unile.it